Mission Statement

The Gasconade County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to preserving the peace and order in Gasconade County by supporting the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri.

Any and all individuals requiring service from the Sheriff's Office will be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity. The Sheriff's Office has an open door policy and all citizens will be treated equally with preferential treatment for none.

The Gasconade County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to preserving the peace and order in Gasconade County by supporting the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri.

Any and all individuals requiring service from the Sheriff's Office will be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity. The Sheriff's Office has an open door policy and all citizens will be treated equally with preferential treatment for none.

It is the goal of the Sheriff's Office to investigate incidents, seek criminal charges when necessary, and work with the Prosecuting Attorney's Office to see that the rights of law abiding citizens are protected.

Through continuing education and training the Sheriff's Office is dedicated to providing professional law enforcement officers (Deputy Sheriff's) to service the citizens of Gasconade County.



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